Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rejection 101

Four pairs of shiny eyes peered out of my oldest son’s Jeep as I rounded the corner into our driveway. I grinned and found myself anxious to connect with my boys after a full day at the office. Inside, my youngest son was laying on the couch with his feet up playing his iPod.

Summer vacation had just begun and I was a little anxious about leaving the boys home on the days I work– thinking they might need me. I asked my ten year old, “Do you want to do anything – I can play a game with you?” “No,” he said, “but can I invite a friend over?”

Rejected, I wandered into the den . . . thinking. This aloofness, as the boys get older, has been happening more lately. It has come as a surprise to Greg and I, who have spent a lot of time investing relationally in our kids. While I was mulling this over and recalling other similar occurrences, my middle son walked in and asked, “I haven’t really talked with you yet, how was your day?” (Smiles!) Next, the youngest came in offering to make me an origami butterfly. (More smiles!) For a moment I thought I had been downgraded from ‘involved mom’ to ‘housekeeper,’ ‘chore-patroller,’ and ‘cook.’ Although important responsibilities, I want more than that; I want relationship with my kids. Even though they are teenagers, I want to know them - and for them to know me.

Of course, they will grow up and things will change, but I hope we’ll have a bond that lasts a lifetime.

Sometimes I treat God similarly. I know he’s around, but I take him for granted. I ask Him for things, but don’t always want to know Him. Well, I do want to know Him, but it can depend on the day and how busy I am. I used to be forgetful of Him and go through the whole day without even saying, ‘hello’ or ‘thank you.’ I’m sure I’ve hurt His heart a whole lot more than my kids have hurt mine. He’s such a faithful Father. I’m intrigued by the priority Jesus places on relationship. He said, “And this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3

Knowing God, really knowing Him, is the secret of a fulfilled life. Jesus knew that; that’s why He prayed it for us. Oh, the intimacy we could have!

“Lord, forgive us for the days we’ve rejected time with you, treated you as a vending machine, forgotten you, or put our priorities ahead of you. Draw us close and help us grow in relationship with you. Amen.”